I am very excited to be starting a new postdoc this April at the Australian National University in Canberra! My position is based at the Research School of Earth Sciences and involves working closely with both the Geodynamics group of Rhodri Davies and the Exploring for the Future program at Geoscience Australia.
I was originally supposed to move here in November 2020, but encountered a few COVID related issues. One of these is that only Australian citizens and permanent residents are currently allowed into the country. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to obtain a visa through the Global Talent Independent Program, which grants permanent residency status. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like any information on how the program works and what materials are needed for the application process.

Fresh from a two-week quarantine in Sydney, I emerged blinking into the light to discover the wonders of COVID-free society. After a bumpy adjustment period, things have more or less gone back to normal now, and I feel incredibly lucky to have escaped from lockdowns for the time being. I was also fortunate enough to overlap for a few hours at least with both Marthe and Paddy before they moved on to pastures new – best of luck on your latest adventures! Meanwhile, I am really excited to once again join forces with Sia, Karol, and families, and look forward to getting out and about and digging in to some fun problems together.

Finally, I want to say a big thank you to everyone who I met in the US. I will always treasure the time at Harvard and Lamont, and am sad that there were limited opportunities for proper good-byes… I will miss you all greatly, and look forward to the day when we can hopefully once again meet at conferences. In the meantime, should any of you find yourself in Canberra, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!